The Racial and Cultural Justice SIG is a special interest group within the Association for Moral Education (AME) with three basic aims: (1) encouraging, promoting, and highlighting within AME scholarship and practices related to issues of social justice, oppression, marginalization, dehumanization and discrimination with respect to race, ethnicity, and culture. This includes systemic and interpersonal issues of Islamophobia, antisemitism, and dehumanization of Indigenous peoples worldwide; (2) encouraging people from groups marginalized or discriminated against on the basis of their race, ethnicity, or culture to participate in AME, and providing a supportive community within AME; and (3) provide opportunities at conferences that promote understanding of intersectionality, commonality, and pathways for equity. 

This SIG acknowledges forms of oppression that affect communities all over the world including anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism, which intersect with caste system oppression, gender, homophobic and transphobic oppression, ableism, colonialism, xenophobia, and more. 

This SIG recognizes that it is important to draw attention to the ways that racist ideologies and racism define and organize our world and affect the lives of human beings. Intentionally highlighting the connections between race, ethnicity, and culture and moral education through elevating the types of scholarship mentioned above can change the discourse in our field. 

Current SIG Officers:

Co-chair: Phyllis Curtis-Tweed []

Co-chair: Robyn Ilten-Gee []

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions about the SIG!


Diversity of AME Plenary Speakers

In 2015, The AME passed a motion to formally require that two diversity goals be met at every conference:
1) One plenary session must be presented by a scholar from a marginalized, disadvantaged, or historically underrepresented group of a racial or ethnic character; and
2) One [plenary session] must be on a topic related to such groups and the moral and civic issues connected to them.

The Race and Multiculturalism SIG would like to compile a helpful shortlist of names to be considered for upcoming conferences.

Please submit your suggestions below!


Color in Context:
An Introduction to Colorism


“Colorism” is a term now used to refer to preference for lighter over darker complected people. In the US, the term was first used ...

Color in Context:
Colorism in China


Preference for lighter over darker skin color, or colorism, is certainly alive and well in China. I remember while growing up ...

Color in Context:
Colorism: A Race Dimension in Peru


I really appreciate the opportunity to discuss in this space the specific characteristics of colorism in a multicultural and multiracial...

Color in Context is an ongoing series within the Race/Multiculturalism SIG website. This series was born from the desire to have spaces for SIG members and others to discuss color and colorism in its various incarnations across geographic, social, and political contexts. Each entry in the series provides a different perspective on these topics in the hopes of providing a basis for further discussions through your posted comments. We look forward to conversing with you!